O'Rourke et al., 2022. Anthropogenic Drivers of Variation in Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Otters (Lutra lutra) from England and Wales. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56, 3, 1675–1687
Kean, E.F., et al. 2015. Scent signals individual identity and country of origin in otters. Mammalian Biology 80(2), pp. 99-105.
Kean E.F., et al. 2013. Persistent organic pollutants and indicators of otter health. CHEM Trust
Kean EF, et al. 2011. Otter scent signals age, sex and reproductive status. Chemical Senses 36(6):555-564.
Kean EF & Wentworth J. 2011. Landscapes of the Future: POSTnote 380. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.
Sixth Otter Survey Wales
Kean and Chadwick 2021. Otter Survey of Wales 2015-18. Natural Resources Wales Evidence report 519
(c) Jeff Chard
Otter diet
Moorhouse-Gann, RJ, Kean, EF .et al. 2020. Dietary complexity and hidden costs of prey switching in a generalist top predator. Ecology and Evolution 10(13), pp. 6395-6408. (10.1002/ece3.6375)
(c) Jeff Chard
Persistent Pollutants in Otters
Kean, E.F. et al. 2021. Persistent pollutants exceed toxic thresholds in a freshwater top predator decades after legislative control. Environmental Pollution,
(c) Jeff Chard
Odour dialects
Kean, E.F., et al. 2017. Odour dialects among wild mammals. Scientific Reports 7, article: 13593.
(c) Jeff Chard